Hospital Life in Afghanistan

Paediatric Hospital, father with his dead son in his arms, 2010
Regional Hospital of Herat, operating theatres, 2010

Regional Hospital of Herat, operating theatres, 2010

Burn Centre, Regional Hospital, a self-immolated woman, 2010
Burn Centre, Regional Hospital, a self-immolated woman, 2010
Burn Centre, Regional Hospital, a self-immolated woman, 2010
Burn Centre, Regional Hospital, a self-immolated woman, 2010
Burn Centre, one of the two self-immolated men of the year, 2010
Burn Centre, one of the two self-immolated men of the year, 2010
Burn Centre, a victim of domestic accident, 2010
Burn Centre, a victim of domestic accident, 2010
Burn Centre, Saifallah and Mannak, two of six brothers victims of an explosion in Helmand Province, 2010
Burn Centre, Said Ahmad, the third of six brothers victims of an explosion in Helmand Province, 2010
Burn Centre, Bibi Jan and, in the background, Mannak and Saifallah, three of six brothers victims of an explosion in Helmand Province, 2010
Burn Centre, Shukria, who lost her two legs and one arm for an anti-personnel mine, 2010
International Committee of the Red Cross’s Orthopaedic Centre of Herat, physiotherapy, 2010

Ophthalmic Hospital of Herat, visit, 2010

Ophthalmic Hospital, waiting, 2010
Ophthalmic Hospital, a patient, 2010
Regional Hospital, Mortuary, gravediggers, 2010
Karizak, IDP (internally displaced persons) camp, one of the first kites of the season. In the background, the Paediatric Hospital, 2010
Karizak, dance, 2010

Edizioni Postcart , 2011


Italian Development Cooperation has been operating for the pacification and reconstruction of Afghanistan since 2002. In partnership with Italian Non Governmental Organisation AISPO (Italian Association for Solidarity Among People), Italian Cooperation is working to strengthening the Afghan National Health Department, and to improving the availability of high quality health structures to the population of Herat Province (1.182.000 persons).

Since 2009 AISPO has been supporting the Paediatric Hospital of Herat (where an average of 100 of children are recovered every day) and since 2010 the Burn Centre of Herat (with an average of 180 persons recovered every month) through technical assistance by missions of Italian clinical staff, purchase of medical equipment, medical drugs and consumables, construction, rehabilitation and works of maintenance to the Hospital structures, training sessions and purchase of didactical material. For a portraitist, the hospital is a very interesting observatory on all humanity: early or late, and whatever gender, age, religion, social class or ethnical group one belongs to, everybody goes to hospital. So the hospital is a coffer full of stories of suffering and hope, in brief, of life.