According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), over 31,000 people have died or disappeared in the Central Mediterranean since 2014. As reported by Amnesty International, the EU supports Libyan coastguard efforts to intercept and forcibly return thousands of people attempting the crossing; upon returning to Libya, they face human rights abuses such as torture, forced labour and sexual violence. In 2023, Italy passed the Piantedosi law that forces NGOs to proceed without delay to the assigned port, preventing or limiting multiple rescues to the maximum. Together with the practice of assigning distant ports it distances NGO ships from rescue waters, causing more victims and wasting resources and money. This law violates a series of European and international norms, in addition to the Navigation Code and the Constitution.The EMERGENCY's SAR (search and rescue) vessel Life Support since her first mission in December 2022 has saved more than 2.000 lives in the deadliest route in the world. On the her left side, a phrase by Gino Strada: "The rights of men must belong to all men, to all, otherwise call them privileges".
This is the story of her 23rd mission, in August 2024.